Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Zander's Mom

Chunky Monkey is screaming at the dog, Sanda from his walker..... Atleast she"s good for something. I'm so bored here at home and would love to go outside and exercise, but it is too cold to take Zander.   What to do, what to do? I think I will start a blog....................

About what?  Zander. He is 8 months old, if your are counting week by week. ( some people count by the actual month to the number date so they can land on the baby"s birthday at 12 months, but I don"t think thats acturate. there are more than 28 days in a month.... except for leap year!) I don"t know how old he is otherwise!!! His hair is a dirty blonde, he has pale skin and blue, green, brown spotted eyes..... There's no telling how he is going to end up looking... but whatever it is, I'm sure he will be a cutie!! He is freakishly tall. He was wearing 1 yr old clothing when he was 3 and a half months old.

Go boy go! Scream at that pesky doggy, daunting over her in your magnificent Dino-walker!! Ha. I hate my husband's dog. . . . and I love her. She is really cute, and is very obedient ( like him, hehehe) but it seems as though it"s her mission in life to hop under my feet at any opportunity she gets!!! UUUUHHHH! So annoying!... and she is a terrible begger ( again like my husband, hahaha! I hope he never reads this.)

 So we were Christmas Tree hunting ( for a plastic tree) when someone at my husband"s work said they had an extra one. He said we would take it, then they said they must have given it to someone else....... so we bought the one we had originally were going to buy, and I decorated it and I think it looks pretty good. It has some of my old ornaments, his old ornaments, and some new ones we just bought. It is our perfect little tree.  We already had a 3 ft tall fiber optic tree, so my sweetie decides to dig that one out as well. It is now parked next to our perfect tree.  Looks a little "off" but whatever, my sweetie wants it there. Yesterday he comes home with that monster tree that his co-worker was gonna give him, didn't have it, but I guess ended up having it!!! oh did I mention that my husband is a HOARDER!   So now we have 3 trees and he was going on about looking for a fourth so the dog could have her own! AHHHH! Patrick, I LOVE YOU, but you are crazy!

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