Friday, January 7, 2011

PCOS, What is it?

It effects 5 to 10 percent of women worldwide. Even though it's name tells you that it is an ovary problem, it is actually an endocrine disorder. The ovary symptoms were among the first problems doctors discovered with the syndrome. Instead of the body producing progesterone, to finish up the maturation and release of an egg, it makes and uses excess amounts of testosterone, which causes the egg to never be released from the ovary. The egg fills up with fluid and becomes a cyst. Doctors aren't exactly sure why but they believe there to be a correlation between pcos and diabetes because the majority of pcos women develop or have someone in their family that has diabetes. ( but who doesn't these days?!)
Symptoms vary greatly because any one of the 7 organs making up the endocrine system could be outta whack! So this makes it difficult to study and help everyone but the main ones are:
-Mood swings
- Foggy minded
-pelvic pain
-heavy painful periods ( what the egg doesn't release but there is still a period?) yeah, when estrogen levels drop or the uterine lining becomes so heavy it collapses you have a "period" that lasts 8 to 14 days, but the good news is you don't have one every month! :) ha! but again, everyone varies.
-hair loss
-hair growth
-bladder infections
-irregular bowel movements
-insulin sensitivity
- Also, at high risk for diabetes, heart disease, and ovarian and cervical cancer

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