Sunday, June 26, 2011


Turns out I have a hiatal hernia.... that's why I am always hungry and feel like I'm going to barf.... and sometimes do barf, because food gets trapped in my esophogus and it just hangs out there, gets really nasty, and then my body makes me puke it back up. yay!........

On a happier, less disgusting note- my little Alexander took his first steps when he was about 10 months and began really walking on his birthday..... He's my little cutie!!! I love him oh' so much!  It's kinda weird to think about how a person you have only known for a very short time and doesn't even really know himself can become your most favorite person you have ever met!

 Here Alexander is drawing, just like his mommy and daddy.  He is so talented!!!! ha!

Grocery shopping